"Moooom! Lili pooped in her panties again!"
(Lili screaming in the background) "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Me: "Shhh your gonna wake up your brother!"
Me: "I'll be there in a minute"
As I crawl out of bed and down the hall to clean up the poop mess that was sure to greet me, my oldest says, "Oh mom, I forgot to tell you, the toilet is clogged again!" Yes, the very toilet that my daughter was sitting on. Just then, my son starts crying from his crib. " Seriously, you have got to be kidding me!" Ahhhhhh!! "Where is the nanny?" "She is so going to be fired!" "Oh wait, that was a dream, I don't have a nanny!" Ahhhhh!
We have a strict rule in our house that the bathroom door must be closed at all times because Liam (my son) will go in and fish in the toilet. After cleaning Lili up and getting my son out of bed, I headed to the kitchen for my morning tea fix (I'm not a coffee drinker). After putting on the tea kettle and letting the dog out,it dawns on me that my son is being way too quiet. That is never a good sign unless he is sleeping. I immediately headed for the bathroom and sure enough there he is fishing in the toilet. I could suddenly hear the theme to "Jaws" in my head... Dun,Dun,Dun,Dun...to my horror, he was holding a TURD!"Oh this will be a great story to tell on prom night!" One of the girls had not only failed to leave the bathroom door open but neglected to flush the toilet as well! "OMG! could this morning get any worse!?" I just had to ask. Murphy's Law was working in overtime apparently, because shortly after the toilet mishap, my door bell rings. "Oh goody, maybe it's Publisher's Clearinghouse!" No, just the opposite. The mail man with a certified letter from the IRS! "Alright, you got me, where's the hidden camera!?" To quote the line of a famous old commercial..."Calgon take me away!!!!"
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